both adult and kids. Make use of your memory from your childhood incident as inspiration for your story. This article outlines the parts in writing short stories for kids.
A start with an attractive intro will excite the interest of the reader that will keep them glued until the end to the story. But before starting to write the first paragraph, then you must choose a number of narrative elements.CONFLICT
All the nice kids stories have conflict so as to make story interesting and indulging. You can add a new character or you can bring a twist in the story.TURNING POINT
This is most important part of the story and it is usually placed in middle or lower middle of the story,This bring up a new energy wives for reader to read the story. You can add up that the main hero got to realize his hidden superhero or you can add in the story a hidden treasure is been found or a ghost reborn, etc.MORAL OR RESOLUTION
A good kids stories always have a hidden moral in it so that the kids not only get entertained but they also learn some lesson from the story. This creates story more meaningful and interactive.SATISFYING END
As we are discussing about kids story so it does have anything left because it is the perfect way to end story. Character should able to sort their differences and should be able to make up a happy end.Besides all these there are certain matters that need to be cared for like the start of the narrative, the title etc.Even though you read stories of other authors it's really important to have your very own style of writing.In Fact the same principle is normally shared by other stories despite the age group.